Sunday, December 5, 2010

No December meeting

We will NOT be having a Farm meeting in December with so much going on for the holidays. We will resume in January on the 4th.

The store is coming along and we can see progress now.  They put the new roof on this past week and are putting in the new windows.

The roof is the rubber membrane 'stuff'.  I will try and get pictures soon to show the progress.

The General Contractors will be done at the end of December (I think) and then we need to find money, supplies and such to work on the building.

Money just doesn't go very far these days, and as many of you are aware, the $280K only got us a foundation and the shell of the building.  New windows, siding, roof.

We still need to do electric, heat, plumbing, insulation, etc.  WE CAN DO IT!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy week

It is a busy week for speaking engagements for me this week.

On Tuesday, I am the guest speaker at the American Legions dinner saluting the Boys State & Girls State participants being held at the Tri County Vocational Center.  I have asked Fred Sherburne to come along and help explain our project.

On Wednesday night I am traveling over to Hartland for a potluck dinner for a the Hartland Couples Club members.  Brenda Seekins from the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce contacted me and thought that the members would be interested in our project.  She mention that most of the members are of senior citizen age, and they will remember doing business at the Fossa Store in the early days.  I am hoping Dave Pearson is going to accompany me to that shindig.  He may have another commitment, so if any other Farm member would like to come, let me know... POT LUCK dinnner.... yummmm

I went down and took some pictures at the store Saturday (between showers) and here is the link...
Construction link

I have also gotten a few other invitations to speak at groups... I wish we had more visual aids to show & tell, but have been told by the architects that it will cost more $$$ to have a composite picture.    Oh well...

as always, call if you have any questions, concerns and best of all IDEAS and or want to join our group.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monthly Meeting tonight: Agenda

1)  Jason Bird:  needs your help to work on USDA Grant

2) Sue Watson: grants and applications & about pertinent upcoming farm workshops


1) Building / Construction update

2) Interview with Channel 2 last week

2) Volunteers… need DRDC members & Farm input  (invite friends, family & neighbors)

3) whats next?  Idea and suggestions!

7) General Discussion AND  Q & A

Next meeting:  November 2nd at 7 PM (???) election night

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

news on one of our farm family's

Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District Honors the 2010 Agriculture Cooperator of the Year

Felix Blinn, Acting Chairperson, and Shelia Richard, Executive Director of PCSWCD, present Chris and Wendy Russell with a new farm sign and their achievement award.
On August 5, 2010 Chris and Wendy Russell, owners of Widdershins, were honored by PCSWCD for the low impact practices they use on their farm.

Rotational grazing, use of animal trails to reduce runoff, nutrient management, and manure storage facilities are just some of the practices they successfully manage. Many family members, friends, and interested public came to the event.

Felix Blinn, Acting Chairperson of PCSWCD, talked about the PCSWCD and its role in conservation and then introduced the Russell's. Wendy and Chris talked about the history of the farm and their vision for it.

Alice Begin, Resource Conservationist for Natural Resources Conservation Service, talked about grasses and the importance of rotational grazing to prevent overuse of the pastures. During a walk around the Russell’s pastures Alice showed how to use a pasture stick to calculate the amount of useable grasses in a field in order to rotate your animals before overuse occurs.

After the walking tour the participants were treated to a barbecue lunch of hamburgers that were made from Widdershins grass-fed beef, potato salad, pasta salad, and dinner rolls followed by a blueberry cream pie.

Following lunch Cathy Elliott, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, discussed sustainable living using a thought provoking handout to initiate questions. Wendy treated the group to her homemade goat’s milk gelato, which is frozen custard. The presentation of a new farm sign and an achievement award was then carried out.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TV interview today

HI Farmers and Friends,
I just wanted to let you know Fred Sherburne and I were interviewed by NBC's WLBZ Channel 2 news today about Dexter's Community Farm Project. It is going to be aired tonight at 5 PM and 6 PM John the camera guy told me.
I hope I did okay for ya...
On another note, remember we have a meeting next Tuesday, October 5th at 7 pm in the Town Council Chambers. We need YOUR input for a grant Jason is writing. Sue has also found a bunch of grants that we are looking into such as EBT & others.
We have a lot to talk about, a lot to pick your brains about, so please try to attend next week.
Feel free to call me anytime with questions and concerns.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Construction continues at a good pace

The construction of the Fossa General Store is moving right along.
The drain pipe that was discovered under the building when digging out for the foundation was replaced by the town and the footings were put in.
Today the forms were being put up by Edgar Construction of Blanchard and it looked like they were digging by hand in the cellar under the front of the store.
I didn't want to bother the workers asking too many questions, but I did take pictures.
pictures for today!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bangor Daily News Story

Building project begins in Dexter

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
By Diana Bowley of the BDN Staff: DEXTER, Maine — The first phase of a renovation project to convert the former Fossa General Store into a farmers market and general store officially has begun in downtown Dexter.

S.J. Wood Construction Co. of Winthrop, which bid $244,979 for the project, was awarded a contract this month to renovate the building.

Dexter Regional Development Corp., through the town of Dexter, received a nonprofit Community Development Block Grant of $230,000 for the work.

All of the bids submitted were higher than anticipated, so the work plan had to be scaled back to fit the lowest of the bids, according to Judy Craig, a member of the corporation and executive director of the farm project, both of which are unpaid positions.

Despite that setback, Craig said this week, “We’re very excited about the work starting.”

The corporation also is pleased that the general contractor plans to hire local subcontractors to complete the project, she added.

That project will cover primarily the foundation costs, the renovation of the addition in the back of the building and the exterior walls, and installation of new windows.

Craig said the corporation and town officials are working to secure additional grants to complete the project.

Backers of the project, which include many regional farmers, are working not only for a farm store, but also a demonstration kitchen, a warehouse to store the farm produce and a creamery where milk and milk products can be processed in public view.

The latter would provide residents in the region with fresher milk since some milk is trucked to Vermont where it is bottled and then returned to Maine for sale.

Farmers say the project would help maintain the open space and farmland now being used, and quite possibly open up more land for farming while keeping dollars local.

“We should be more sustainable in our own area,” farmer Fred Sherburne said.

The store would sell products made at the creamery, as well as products grown or raised within a 50-mile radius.
"This content originally appeared as a copyrighted article in the Wednesday, September 15, 2010 edition of the Bangor Daily NEWS and is used here with permission."

Email and blog post

Hi all:
I am sending this along for Jason who will be talking to you at the next meeting for this big grant.
The next meeting is October 5th at 7 PM at the Town Council Chambers and we REALLY need you to come and give your input to Jason.

Construction began last week on the Fossa Store and as of yesterday, the footings were put in on the back part of the building. Please check the blog for more details and picture link. I am trying to get pictures and updates regularly now that the project has begun, so bookmark the blog and check in frequently.

Call me anytime for more information. FYI: I will be gone next week from Tuesday thru Sunday for my daughter's wedding on Peakes Island in Portland.

Below is the info from Jason on the Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program....


As we discussed, there is a great funding opportunity that has come up that would provide support for the store to get up and running. However, I will need some help in pulling together all of the information and building community support. So, I need to pull in the troops so that we don't miss out on this opportunity.

If you could, please pass this on to the group. I Also, need to ask to monopolize the agenda for the next meeting on the 5th (I believe) in order to brainstorm our proposal with the group, and to get some help pulling everything together.

Here is some information about the grant:

Up to $125,000 a year for a $300,000 total award

A 1 to 1 match is required (cash or in-kind)

Eligible expenses can be operating costs such as labor, utilities, and maybe working capital

Here is the link to the full program description.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Footing done today

Went down to work site and took pictures of the footings put in today around the broken drain pipe.

They said they can still fix the pipe and keep the project moving forward.

Construction has begun!

Roger Brawn, DRDC President, Dave Pearson, DRDC VP and I went to DECD in Augusta on September 3rd to sign all the paperwork with S. J. Wood Construction Co., Inc. of Winthrop.
We were surprised, but happy to see them at work the following week and demo'ing!
We have been told that S. J. Wood plans on using many "local" contractors for sub work, which is great for our local economy. Matt McKusick Construction is digging currently on site.
I was on the job site yesterday and found the guys all looking down into the hole (which is going to be our foundation).
There is a huge pipe that is an old drainage pipe from back in the 1800's because it was put in before the building was built. It runs in from Grove Street, straight thru our building and down thru the municipal parking lot. (who knew?)
They called in Mike Delaware from Highway Dept. and because it is a town pipe, they ordered one from out of state and it should be here later this week.
Check out the pictures to see what is happening.
Jason and I are working on Grants tomorrow to try and find more money for the 'inside' construction.
Unfortunately our 1st CDBG Grant of $230K plus our $50K match is only going to do the foundation, windows and outside of structure (including the siding).
Discouraging I know, but WE CAN DO IT folks!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monthly Meeting tonight: Agenda

Monthly Meeting tonight, Tuesday Sept 7th at 7 pm, town council chambers....
Many things to talk about tonight.

1) Volunteers? Need help to get “tin panels” to Mike Wallace at Dexter Sandblasting who is restoring them

1) Opening of Contractor bids: August 17th

2) Contractor winner wasn’t official under Roger Brawn, Dave Pearson and I went to DECD office in Augusta on Sept 2nd to sign the appropriate paper work with Terry Ann Stevens.

3) Roger is going to speak about the bid procedure and how it works with DECD and our roles. (chain of command)

4) The contractor chosen is S. J. Wood Construction Co. of Winthrop. They are going to start as soon as the end of this week or beginning of next week. We will talk about the scope of work tonight.

5) Great article in the July Up North Magazine written by Fran Emmons about 3 or our farmers and the Farm Project. I will have some copies for you to browse through. It featured Sherburne Farm, Leaves & Blooms & Midsummer Night’s Meadow Farm and a little about our project

6) Sheila Grant wrote another article in the SV Weekly... link

7) Sue Watson talking about pertinent upcoming farm workshops

8) whats next? Idea and suggestions!

7) General Discussion AND Q & A

Next meeting: October 5th at 7 PM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August meeting agenda

1) General Contractor Update

2) Grant(s) update

3) Volunteers? Need help to get “tin panels” to Mike Wallace at Dexter Sandblasting who is restoring them

4) Farm Adventures & meetings
• July 2nd field trip
o Fred Sherburne
o New renovated Grange Hall in Starks
With the help of USDA Rural $199K grant, Alternative Agriculture Association (MA3) turned the 130 year-old former Starks Grange Hall into a beautiful new space for collecting and processing local farm products. “the Beast” is a wood-fired brick oven! Paula Day & her husband Ed Ross received a USDA Grant and has worked on it for the past 2 years. They are continuing the local food movement and creating the Blue Heron Bakery, Catering & Local Foods Connection. They also have Trial Test (2 acre) Wheat Field at their farm, which is only a 1/2 mile or so from the Grange Hall. Crop & Soil Consultant Mark Fulford was on hand to talk about the test field, soil conditions, and LOTS more.

o Riverside Farm Market and Cafe in Oakland (
o Barrel’s Market in Waterville (
o Fossa General Store

• July 27th equipment hunting at Bubba’s in Newport

• July 28th Open House in Starks
o Made lots of great connections with USDA officials, Mike Michaud’s office and farmers, etc
o Want (need) a wood fired oven (how and if it can be accomplished)

• July 31st Bread Fair at the 2nd Annual Kneading Conference

5) Ideas we got from places visited: need to sell Maine wines & beer, fresh meat from Herring Bros., inexpensive lighting, diversity, wood oven, the need to be a full going kitchen when opening, maybe a restaurant license vs. certified commercial kitchen license

6) Still receiving phone calls from new farmers regularly & leads for futures commercial seeing of our products. i.e.: restaurants, etc.

7) UpNorth Magazine article on stands now featuring our farmers, Sherburne Farm, Leaves & Blooms & Midsummer Night’s Meadow Farm

7) General Discussion

Next meeting: September 6th at 7 PM

Vision Statement: Building our local economy and community with local people, farms and markets.
Mission Statement: Locally Grown, Locally Processed, Locally Marketed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Dated: May 18th, 2010 ----- Bids Due: June 8th, 2010 @ 11:00 AM
The Town of Dexter, as a municipal corporation is a tax exempt organization.

Brief Job Description: Phase I Renovation shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: exterior renovations to include new roof, windows and doors, new siding and trimwork, foundations in rear of building, new deck and deck railings, general painting; interior renovation to include structural repairs and replacement, new stairs and partitions, new finishes, ADA compliant bathroom, general painting, plumbing revisions, new power distribution and lighting, new heating system, and any other incidental work.

Sealed Proposals, from qualified General Contractors, for the construction of Phase I of the Fossa Building Renovation, Dexter, Maine, will be received at the office of the Town Manager, Town of Dexter, 23 Main Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 until 11 AM on Tuesday June 8th, 2010. Bid opening will occur at 12 Noon on June 8th, 2010 at the office of the Town Manager, Town of Dexter, 23 Main Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 and will be a public opening. This project is funded in part by a Community Development Block Grant. Therefore this project will comply with the Davis-Bacon Act wage rates. The Town of Dexter reserves the right to waive all formalities, and reject any and all Proposals or to accept any Proposal.

Proposals shall be on the forms provided in the Project Manual and shall include the following:
Bid Form, Bid Proposal Cost Breakdown, a satisfactory Bid Bond in an amount equal to 5% of the Proposal, a Contractor's Qualification Statement (contained in the Project Manual), and signed copies of all required Certifications as noted in the Information For Bidders (included in the Project manual).

Sealed Proposals shall be in envelopes plainly marked: Proposal for the Fossa Building Renovation, Dexter, Maine.

There will be a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Walk-Through at the project location for all Contractors at 1:00 PM on Thursday May 27th, 2010.

Bid Documents, and Project Manuals may be obtained for a nonrefundable deposit of $55.00 payable to: QA13 Architects @ 38 Columbia Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 on or about May 18th, 2010. Additional sets of Documents will be available for review on or about May 18th 2010, at the following locations:

Abbott Memorial Library
1 Church Street Dexter, Maine 04930
Construction Summary of Maine
74 Gilman Road, Bangor, Maine 04401
Dodge Reports
224 Gorham Rd Scarborough, Maine 04074

The selected Contractor will be required to furnish a 100% Contract Performance Bond and a 100% Contract Payment Bond to cover the execution of the Work which shall be in conformity with the forms provided in the Project manual.

Town of Dexter
23 Main Street
Dexter, Maine 04930

QA13 Architects
38 Columbia Street
Bangor, Maine 04401


Monday, May 3, 2010

New offers

I just got a phone call from Frankie Spizuoco from Said he had been reading the Dexter Gazette over the weekend and saw our story on the Fossa Building and knew that he had some stuff that we might be able to use. Frankie is very generous to the community and has been for years~

He has some dry goods display cases and some metal wall grid that you can use hanging stuff off from, or putting shelving up on.

Thanks Frankie!!!
Anyone reading this, if you come across kitchen supplies, coolers, etc. give me a call or email. I will posted in the near future some of the things we are going to have to have... ie, 3 hole sink, refrigerators, ice cream machine and even the small stuff to work in the kitchen with.

Thanks for reading... 'til later...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Volunteer Day take 2

It was a terrific spring day today which is probably why only 4 people showed up to work today.
Regulars, Dave P. and myself and 2 new volunteers, Tim Breen and Louise Robinson.

We worked on taking down the tin on the ceilings and got that job completed by noon!

I wish we had some 'safe' power, and we could have a radio playing and not listen to Dave and Tim singing their little songs about nothin'... Actually Louise mentioned that we should be writing down their lyrics for later... NOT!!! With those 2, the songs will never end... Don't tell 'em but they really are funny and entertaining, it will be our little secret~

Charlie Chabot is going to stop by some evening and hook up one outlet for us to use for now.

Here are some pictures from today...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Volunteer Day ... again...

Can you spare a few hours tomorrow morning?

We are going to have another work day tomorrow, Saturday, May 1st starting at 9 AM. We all have lots to do, so we will only go until noon or so.
lease bring hammers, sledge hammers, or any tools you think to take down interior walls with.

Please bring gloves and safety eyewear if you want.

Any questions call Judy at 924.3067 or on Saturday at 207.1240 (cell)

We had a great time last week, and we can have more fun tomorrow with your help ...
Hopefully the RFP is going out to the General Contractor in a couple weeks, so we have a lot to do.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Generous offers

This week Tina Belair of Darby Creek ( messaged me to say she has a display case, steam table and proofing racks that we may be interest in. Yipee!!!
AND Pam Fyrberg of offered her help in any print needs we may have.
It is so gratifying to have local businesses support our efforts for the Fossa General Store.
This afternoon talked with 2 of our interested farmers.
Gail from Leaves & Blooms in Dover-Foxcroft who has fresh veggies and baked goods for sale at her place on Rt 23.
New caller, Marie Kirven of Sweet Dreams Food & Farm in St. Albans. She is growing lavender, herbs, eggs, baked goods, jams, teas, and more. Can't wait to visit her place soon, but she is going to try and come to our meeting next Tuesday, May 4th!

FARMERS: If you haven't already, would you mind making out a survey for us? Your information will remain anonymous if you want.
You can find the survey at Dexter Farm Project website. Just fill out and send to Judy. Address is on the survey. This info will help us in knowing what we will have to offer our future customers.
thanks.... jc

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday update

Our 3 volunteer workers, Priscilla, Crystal & Stewart are doing a great job at the store. They are working on removing the tin today from the walls with great care. Not sure how we refinish it, I will check with our architects. They have done stuff like this before.
Roger Brawn, Dave Pearson and I went in the 'rabbit hole' today under and between the Dexter Cafe & the Fossa Store. Holy hanna, it is like a cave down there~ No man's land! Steve Wintle is coming up with a plan for the rabbit hole I guess.
that's it for now... have a great wet day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday update

Dave and I did some banking today for a couple hours. We had to cash in our CD and started a new Checking account with Skowhegan Savings Bank. Thanks Val for all your help!
We also had 3 volunteers work at the store front today cleaning up the floors and moving debris that we tore out last Saturday.
They did a great job and will be going back tomorrow to gently take down the old tin wall covering that we are planning to reuse in the store. It was original to the building for many, many years.
If you would like to help, please give Judy a call at 924.3067
click for todays pictures

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dexter Farm Project update

Dexter Regional Development Corporation (DRDC) has been busy over the winter months working with regional farmers, farmer friends and QA13 Architects with plans for the rehab of the Fossa General Store.

A lot of GREAT businesses in the Dexter area have been helpful in giving us their expert advice on everything from heating systems, wood products, siding, flooring, environmental issues and more AND they expect nothing in return! They realize with our CDBG grant, almost everything has to go out to bid and it will be up to the General Contractor chosen to choose companies they will be working with. (in most cases)

We would like to thank them for their advice on quality, pricing and practicality in the commercial space: Steve Wintle our environmental guy, Louis Easler at Dexter Lumber, Matt Scott of Dave's World, for heating systems, Mark & Tom from AE Robinson, Jay Bradley of Bradley Heating, George McCourt, Tillson True Value, John Higgins at Yoder Lumber, Kris Kowel and so many more. Many have offered FREE services or "at cost" because they believe in our project!!! We appreciate all those people and more for their time in providing us with knowledge.

DRDC and supporting staff continue their efforts in writing grants and brainstorming on raising funds for the store. Currently Jason has applied for a USDA Grant for our Commercial Kitchen appliances & fixtures. If you have any fund raising ideas, let us know. We are currently looking for refrigeration units, display cases, etc. Donations are accepted for this Non-Profit project that reaches out across a 25 plus mile radius of Dexter and supports the local farmer while creating an agricultural economy.

On Saturday, April 24th 2010 we held our 1st work day when volunteers from DRDC, Farmers and friends got their hands dirty at the future home of the Fossa General Store.
The energetic crew demo'd some of the ceilings, took down some wall partitions out and hauled trash. We worked hard until our trash trailer was overly full and didn't want to just stack trash only to move it again. Craig P. took 1 or 2 loads of old metal to the Transfer Station.
Everyone was dusty, dirty and we worked hard in those hours and got so much done AND had fun. (LOTS MORE TO GO)
We will be having another work day soon, but really good news, in the meantime, Dave has arranged for the Charleston Correctional Center work crew to put in a full day at the store.
We set up an account at Tillsons and Norma and I kept running across to pick up tools, trash bags, broom etc. They joked with us every time we went in because we were dirtier than the previous visit.
Workers included: Steve Wintle, Fred Wintle, Jason Bird, Courtney Brown, Josh Doore, Norma Batchelder, Dave Pearson, Steve Craig, Lauraine & Craig Piquette, and Judy Wilbur Craig.
Supporters behind the scene or showing up later: Fred Sherburne brought his trailer & picked it up to take to the dump, Roger Brawn did behind the scenes planning (both had to work at real jobs, but helped a lot) and Sue Watson, Jonathan Wilbur, Amanda Flagg Lupo showed up to help, but the rest of us were done and spitting dust.
I think I am speaking for most of us, despite the dirty work, we had a great time and it is a step closer....
We have lots more to do before the General Contractor is chosen, so let me know if YOU can help and when. The RFP will be issued in the very near future for the GC and will be advertised for those interested.
Here is a link to some pictures taken on Saturday, April 24th:
If you would like to get involved in this community project or would like to learn more about it, call Judy at 924.3067, email or check out the website at
The next monthly meeting is Tuesday, May 4th at 7 PM at the Dexter Town Council Chambers. The informal meetings are open to farmers, friends of farmers and consumers. The Dexter Farm Project meetings are held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of every month.

April 8, 2010 meeting notice

We will be holding a special meeting for a variety of reasons on Tuesday, April 20th, one of which is a Public Hearing starting at 6:30 pm (text to follow)

The Dexter Regional Development Corporation intends to file an application for federal assistance with the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development.
This assistance is needed for the purpose of financing the build out of the commercial kitchen and equipment for the year round farmer's market that will be created in the Fossa Building in Dexter.
Any interested party may attend an informational meeting at the Town of Dexter Council Chambers at 23 Main Street, Dexter Maine 04930 At 6:30pm on April 20th

We will follow the Public Hearing with a regular Farmers meeting to discuss the work that we are doing with our Architects QA13 and the progress they are making, the heating system, and the upcoming "volunteer work days" we need to get started ASAP and many other details.

I want to give a shout out to a lot of GREAT businesses in the Dexter area that are giving us their expert advice on everything from heating systems, wood products, siding, flooring, environmental issues and more AND they expect nothing in return! They realize with our particular grant that things have to go out to bid and it will be up the the General Contractor to choose companies in most cases.
But I would like to thank them for their advice on quality, pricing and practicality in the commercial space are Steve Wintle on environmental and heating systems, Louis at Dexter Lumber, Matt Scott of Dave's World, the AE Robinson guys, Jay Bradley, George McCourt, Tillson True Value, John Higgins at Yoder Lumber, Kris Kowel and so many more. Many have offered FREE services or "at cost" because they believe in our project!!!
I think I can speak for Roger Brawn and myself, we are learning a lot about a lot of things in a short few months and in many meetings. AND we appreciate all those people and more for their time in providing us with knowledge.

I also have been working with Insurance Companies (4 in total) to get Builders Risk Insurance & Liability. (How confusing it is!) Roger and I are meeting with some this coming week. I need help on this one... who know insurance could be so confusing and so expensive!!!

The Environmental Abatements (the asbestos pipes in the basement & the lead paint in the ceiling tile) have been completed. We also had to have the water & power turned on.

I hope you can come to the meeting this coming Tuesday & we will get you all caught up on the news and set up a few work days at the Fossa General Store. These need to be done before the General Contractor starts. The RFP for the GC will be going out, I expect, in the next few weeks.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call.... and hope to see you soon...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1st day journaling

Hi all,
I thought I might be able to keep track of what I am doing each day for the Farm Project on a blog and at the same time let you know what is going on.
Let's see how it goes and if I can stick with it :)

First off today:
Farmer Fred Sherburne, DRDC President Roger Brawn, David Pearson and I (Executive Director Judy Wilbur Craig) met in Dave's office to go over some ideas we want to discuss with QA13 Architects Paula & Ken.
We have been talking for almost a year since we started the Dexter Community Farm Project, that we wanted to go as "GREEN" as we could with the building. Some things are just not possible because of location, lack of space, etc. but others may be doable.
Fred is looking in pellet heating right now vs. LP gas and/or oil. We are looking at both operating costs as well as efficiency of both the workers and the overall heat.

We also met with Steve Wintle (our environmental guy), who met with environmental contractors during the PreBid today & will again tomorrow. The bids should be awarded Friday and the environmental issues will be done hopefully by March 31st.

The volunteers will be able to work around April and the RFP will be going out near the end of April for the General Contractor.

This afternoon I am working with the 3 local insurance agencies on "builders risk" insurance. Hopefully I have that name right. Anywho........ I should have the quotes soon.

What else can happen today?
Please feel free to make comments or suggestions on the blog.