Monday, May 3, 2010

New offers

I just got a phone call from Frankie Spizuoco from Said he had been reading the Dexter Gazette over the weekend and saw our story on the Fossa Building and knew that he had some stuff that we might be able to use. Frankie is very generous to the community and has been for years~

He has some dry goods display cases and some metal wall grid that you can use hanging stuff off from, or putting shelving up on.

Thanks Frankie!!!
Anyone reading this, if you come across kitchen supplies, coolers, etc. give me a call or email. I will posted in the near future some of the things we are going to have to have... ie, 3 hole sink, refrigerators, ice cream machine and even the small stuff to work in the kitchen with.

Thanks for reading... 'til later...

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