Friday, June 10, 2011

Growing Local Food Workshop: Highbush Blueberries

WHEN:  June 30 Thursday 6-8:30pm
WHERE:  Abbott Memorial Llibrary Meeting Room, Dexter
WHAT:  Presenter: Ray M. from the A.E.M. Berry Farm and Garden Center in Palmyra
Ray has over 30 years of experience growing berries and will share his successes, disappointments, and of course the basics: location, transplanting, recommended varieties, etc. (Actually, he grows many other berries, some I've never heard of, but we're concentrating on blueberries this workshop.)

Sponsored by the Abbott Memorial Library and DDATT

The workshop is free, but pre-registration is required (do to limited seating). Contact the Library 924-7292 or DDATT

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