Saturday, January 29, 2011

February 1st Monthly Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 01, 2011 – 7 pm

1)      Building / Construction update  (Roger)
2)     Beef Raffle Fund Raiser:   Discuss the price of tickets, where, where and all that stuff.
Pam from Dexter Printing has generously offered to print our Raffle Tickets and of course BIG thanks to Fred Sherburne for the whole beef to raffle.  We will be raffling (2) sides!
3)     Chicken Coop Raffle donated by Daniel & Moria McGarry
4)     Are we going to do the dinner?   Do we have enough volunteers? Other fund raisers???
5)     Creating a buying club or something similar (Judy)

  1.  Grant from Commissioner Seth Bradstreet  of the Dept of Ag (Judy)
  2. Phase 1 of our building is done.  (There are a few things to finish by the builders, but waiting on supplies to come in)  We have the keys and the big work can begin on the inside when more money and donations are available.  Any carpenters ready to volunteer?  We will have an update at the meeting.  I am trying to make sure there is power so we can go thru the store before our meeting that night at 6:30 PM (I will let you know).  Roger is checking on the power situation.  The contractors had power on a special meter and that was changed this week.  He is checking on how to get it back on.
  3. Dave, Roger and I will be meeting with CDBG rep. Terry Ann Stevens on Wednesday to finalize the paperwork on that Grant.
  4. Fred has been researching labeling, packaging and more from Herring Brothers which he will share at the meeting.
  5. Signage & Graphics:  We need to start working on graphics, logos, etc.
    Dave is working on the big sign outside which he will report on.
  6. Fred suggested we start using our windows in the store to promote.... promote... promote...
  7. We need to heat in store very soon to help keep the foundation from damage.  Discussion

  8. 7:30 PM -- SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER:  Cheryl Hajek of CBC Bookkeeping
    How do you know if you are making a profit?
    Cheryl will be giving an overview of book keeping for the farmer (or business) and how QuickBooks can help you with knowing IF you are making a profit, where your expenses and income come from and more.  Cheryl is a Certified QuickBooks Instructor as well as a farmer.  If there is enough interest, we will discuss holding classes for those of you who want to learn how to use QuickBooks efficiently.   She will also talk about what Software version is best for you and costs. ( 
--- General Discussion AND  Q & A
Vision Statement: Building our local economy and community with local people, farms and markets.
Mission Statement: Locally Grown, Locally Processed, Locally Marketed.

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