Monday, January 17, 2011

Growing Local Food Workshops

DDATT has announced that their February Growing Local Food workshops will be scheduled for Saturday, February 5 and Saturday, February 19, 9:30 until noon at the Abbott Memorial Library in Dexter. 

The first workshop, February 5 (snow date February 12) is "Back to Basics" Topics to be covered : location, planning(how big, how much food, how much time), tilling & fertilizing, fencing, choosing varieties, ordering seeds, etc.
The second workshop on February 19 (snow date February 26) "Seeds" covers: starting seeds(planting depth, seed size, containers, potting soil), double transplanting, cold frames, hoophouses, greenhouses, etc. 

Both workshops are free and will be presented by local organic market gardeners Lois Labbe and Tom Roberts of Snakeroot Farm. 

Snakeroot Organic Farm started in 1995 when Tom and Lois moved onto a run out hayfield in an opening in the woods on the Snakeroot Road in Pittsfield, and immediately began to improve the soil with cover crops and compost. 

Today they grow a wide variety of mixed vegetables, fruit and culinary herbs on 5 acres of gardens. Over 30 greenhouse and field crops are sold at local farmers' markets. 

Pre-registration is suggested by contacting, 924-3836 (eves) or 924-7292 (days).

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