Sunday, January 2, 2011

1st meeting of 2011

Hi Farmers, friends and DRDC members,
Happy New Year!!!

2011 is going to be a great year for Dexter's Community Farm Project.  We are starting off with a nice looking (so far) building on Main Street.  The foundation is done, they put in the windows, the outside trim is going up and next is the siding.  That is supposed to be done by the end of the month!!!  Then the building is ours to get going on the inside.  We have to come up with some fund-raising ideas, grants, volunteering, etc.  Bring your ideas to the table on Tuesday.  

I took some pictures last week and you can see them at

It is starting to look like a General Store with the windows and notice how they match the rest of Main Street Buildings.
We need YOUR input and ideas to get the excitement going again with our project.  The next meeting is this Tuesday, January 4th at 7 pm at the Dexter Town Council Chambers on Main Street.  

Mark your calendars, the Farm Project meetings are always the 1st Tuesday of the month (unless weather is bad).  We need to start meeting regularly now that the holidays are over and the building is progressing.
I will have some snacks and drinks available (will that entice you to come?)

Also let us know how your growing season went in 2010, what new things you are doing and what are your plans for 2011?

On another note, but pertinent, I am now working at Heart of Maine RC&D (HOM) in Bangor 3 or 4 days a week.  If you don’t know, HOM works  with farmers and rural programs in the Penobscot, Piscataquis & Somerset Counties. (  Sue Watson who attends our meetings, works for USDA and is the Coordinator overseeing  Heart of Maine, which is a 503C nonprofit.  It will be a great partnership for our group and HOM. 

I hope to see you on Tuesday and if anyone would like to bring some of your own snacks, feel free!!!
It is going to be a great year for the Fossa General Store and the Community Farm Project.

Agenda for January 4th:


1)     Building / Construction update  (Roger)
2)   Financial status
1)     Farmers updates on the 2010 season & what’s coming up

2)   Sue Watson from Heart of Maine will talk about grants, applications & about pertinent upcoming farm workshops  Heart of Maine’s plan to help the Dexter Farm Project in the.

3)   Volunteers need to help find $$ (Tim)

4)   What’s next?  Idea and suggestions!

7) General Discussion AND  Q & A

Next meeting:  Tuesday, February 08th  at 7 PM

Vision Statement: Building our local economy and community with local people, farms and markets.
Mission Statement: Locally Grown, Locally Processed, Locally Marketed.

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