Monday, December 30, 2013

Workshops for New Farmers to be Held at Agricultural Trade Show

Bangor, ME – December 27, 2013 -- Are you a new farmer?  Do you need help navigating the various programs and services available to help you succeed in your new farming enterprise?

The Beginning Farmer Resource Network (BFRN)…a coalition of farm service providers supporting the whole farm community including agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry…will be conducting workshops on various topics for new farmers at the Agricultural Trade Show to be held at the Augusta Civic Center on January 7-9, 2014. 

The schedule, topics and locations for these workshops can be found in the Agricultural Trade Show program brochure, which can be found at the Get Real Get Maine website at .  The workshops will be held from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8th and from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Thursday, January 9th. There will also be a networking room where you can come and talk to a representative of BFRN about your farm.  The networking room, which will be in the Knox Room, will be open Tuesday-Thursday during the hours of the Trade Show.

BFRN is a group of federal, state and local farm service providers who have joined together to assist aspiring, beginning, and transitioning farmers…providing information and assistance on everything from the soil to your wallet.  They are dedicated to helping farmers succeed, as well as ensuring that agriculture stays prosperous in the future.

Go to BFRN’s website at…the one stop website for new farmers...for a “toolbox” of information on important issues/concerns that farmers should think about when starting their business.  

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