Tuesday, February 7, 2012

postponed meeting tonight

Hey all...
Hope you are having a good winter and staying away from the flu season...  Well I have good/bad news.
There is no meeting tonight.  We are assessing the situation of our leaking wall in the new part of the building at the Fossa Store and how we are going to proceed. 

Dave, Roger and I are going to check out the adjoining building next door tomorrow, which is the culprit that is creating out leak where the  building connect and also getting a splash back creating and additional leak. 

The architects apparently did not consider that designing the new part of our building the same way it was, would leak just like it did before.  Hummm????   It is very depressing, but it will be fixable! 

I met with the roofing contractors, the General Contractors, a construction adviser&  Dave in December and they all went up on the roof and took lots of pictures. 

You can see the pictures (click Piscasa photo album).

The rain/moisture comes off the Dexter Cafe building and then goes in their wall, then leaks into our wall. 

So, we may have to take our wall down and bring it in a little bit;  while water proofing the outside as they build it up.  We will loose a  little floor space, but better to get it fixed and no be beholding to our neighboring building forever. 

BUT, we will have to have an engineer redo the plans to reconstruct this plan.

Good news is, Jason has the bids ready to go to start construction, but we have to get this water problem fixed first (or the solution) so that it can be fixed as we work inside.
We are still aiming at opening this early summer, but these are the dark
days before the sun shines!  It is going to happen~!!!!

The DRDC board of directors will be meeting next week and figure some of this stuff out and we will be bringing it to the rest of the Farm Project members in March.  I will let you know.
I will be calling the directors today, or you can call me. 

Stay warm and talk with you soon.

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