Saturday, June 9, 2012

latest updates

Hi all,
1st coat of poly...
shows 1/2 done but you can see the finished & unfinished floor.
Well it sure was a busy week.
On Monday & Tuesday my daughter came sanded the office area hardwood floors on Monday night.  She sanded, I vaccumed!!!  ...and we both visited with people that stopped by with encouragement!
Then on Tuesday morning, she went over it again with the fine grit sandpaper, vaccumed and cleaned the floor and by mid afternoon had the 1st coat of poly on it.  AND I must say it looks fabulous!

Because of all the rainy weather, I have not been able to put a second coat on yet, but hope to in the next few days.  It was still tacky on Friday.

wet...wet...wet... Rain STOP NOW PLEASE!
J Wilbur Construction has almost all the work completed on the 1st floor, but once again, the rain has made that project go slower too.  He has the wall moved in 18" and we are now separated from the adjoining building, but the roofer has not been able to come and finish the roof because of the rain.  AND the insulation can't go in the new area until it drys out.
Sooooo... we did get a lot of water in the building during the hard rains we got this week.  I have fans going and when we are there, we keep doors and windows open.
Our engineer told us yesterday that we are going to have to spray that whole area that is wet with bleach once things dry out to prevent mold.

J Wilbur Construction also got the metal supports put in on a big ole carrying beam that had NO support.  The engineers designed the method and it was installed.
Yesterday the some of the DRDC Board of Directors met with Keith Ewing of Plymouth Engineering (our guy) to go over all aspects of the building.  What the Fire Marshall expects, what codes we have to follow, and what changes are going to have to be made from the original drawings.

Unfortunately, not all was good news, but some was mixed blessings.  For one we have to take out a window at the bottom of the stairs and put in a fire door.  BUT on the good side of that we will put that window upstairs on the wall where there is none!

Also, we found out we have to have a 2nd bathroom in the place...  We are going to put upstairs as to save floor space downstairs.
Number 3, we have to have the stairway upstairs completely enclosed with doors on both bottom and top for fire protection, but what has to be done, has to be done.  Code is code and there is nothing we can do about it.  This development may have some decision making on the chair lift as well.

But the good news???  We have decisions made on where everything is going in the 1st floor space; including all the sinks (and there are many... code ya know), stove, wood fired oven, ice cream area, built in coolers, shelving, utility closet, freezer & veggie coolers, etc.
Finally having fun!!!  Now to find all that stuff by the end of the month :)

So, with all that, we will be meeting with Keith in less than 2 weeks to go over all the firm has designed and bids will then go out to finish the inside of the store!

If anyone knows of anyone 'giving' away sinks or equipment and want to donate we need a utility sink, hand washing sink, 3 bay sink, 2 bay sink, bathroom(s) sink...
Any kitchen equipment???
Give me a call with ideas or thoughts~


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sanding Office Floor Party...

We are having a floor sanding party Monday night and Tuesday!

We are going to start sanding the upstairs floor office area tomorrow night. 

My daughter Tiffany Craig, who has some experience sanding is coming up from Portland and try to get it sanded and at least 1 coat of poly by Tuesday night.

If anyone wants to come and join the fun, stop by Monday night and or Tuesday during the day.

We are also going to do some window washing so we can put up the new posters the Tri-County Tec Center Design class did for us.

It's gonna be a party :) Call or message if you have any questions~