Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy week

It is a busy week for speaking engagements for me this week.

On Tuesday, I am the guest speaker at the American Legions dinner saluting the Boys State & Girls State participants being held at the Tri County Vocational Center.  I have asked Fred Sherburne to come along and help explain our project.

On Wednesday night I am traveling over to Hartland for a potluck dinner for a the Hartland Couples Club members.  Brenda Seekins from the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce contacted me and thought that the members would be interested in our project.  She mention that most of the members are of senior citizen age, and they will remember doing business at the Fossa Store in the early days.  I am hoping Dave Pearson is going to accompany me to that shindig.  He may have another commitment, so if any other Farm member would like to come, let me know... POT LUCK dinnner.... yummmm

I went down and took some pictures at the store Saturday (between showers) and here is the link...
Construction link

I have also gotten a few other invitations to speak at groups... I wish we had more visual aids to show & tell, but have been told by the architects that it will cost more $$$ to have a composite picture.    Oh well...

as always, call if you have any questions, concerns and best of all IDEAS and or want to join our group.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monthly Meeting tonight: Agenda

1)  Jason Bird:  needs your help to work on USDA Grant

2) Sue Watson: grants and applications & about pertinent upcoming farm workshops


1) Building / Construction update

2) Interview with Channel 2 last week

2) Volunteers… need DRDC members & Farm input  (invite friends, family & neighbors)

3) whats next?  Idea and suggestions!

7) General Discussion AND  Q & A

Next meeting:  November 2nd at 7 PM (???) election night